
On 7/16/11, Bernd Blaauw <bbla...@home.nl> wrote:
> Op 16-7-2011 16:30, Michael B. Brutman schreef:
>> Does this mean that they will be put on the CD later, or that the user
>> has to find a different way to get them on the machine?  I think that
>> every packet driver known to man probably fits within 1MB of space. :-)
>> (Ok, maybe 2 ...)
> I'll add packet drivers again, and VMware is my test platform (besides
> real hardware at times).

So VMware needs PCNET? VirtualBox needs AMDPD? QEMU needs NE2000?
Anybody know BOCHS? (Yes, I'm assuming more re: emulation than real
hardware here, isn't that reasonable?)

> Some might argue even 10MB or so is already huge when all basic content
> fits on a bootdisk (fdisk/format/sys/kernel/shell)

Well, what exactly can you do with kernel + shell? Not much! At least
throw a compiler, a text editor, a game, *something useful*, in there!

Most attractive to average users (rough guess):

Bret's USB
mTCP + common packet drivers
GNU Emacs
OpenWatcom + NASM
FreeDoom + Eternity Engine
DJGPP (GCC + GPP + Watt-32)
Odi's LFNtools
TestDisk + PhotoRec
xpdf (or Ghostscript?)
Doszip (or DN/2?)
4DOS (or Bash?)
Keyb + CPI (+ mode + nlsfunc), etc. etc.

Unsurprisingly, most of this was already included in 1.0 (older
versions, natch).

Of course, a CD has "tons of space", so to speak, so you can afford to
waste, heh, unlike floppies *sniff*.

> You'll get that choice. See above link though it uses the 1.0 distro.
> With unlimited time, no download limits, enough free diskspace etc a
> huge FreeDOS distro is fine, if intended to burn to optical disk anyway.
> However the minimal base-only CD should be as small as possible for fast
> downloads and limited harddisk space.

Yes, minimal is (sometimes) good, but "full" with everything and the
kitchen sink wouldn't fit on a CD anyways. And we'd argue to death
over what to cram anyways.

Jim has been pretty open to people making their own distros. So far
not many have bothered. It's tedious, that's probably why. The only
thing worse than that is annoying bugs or stuff that constantly gets
updated (which means upgrading ad nauseum). Perfectionism doesn't help
either (not that anything is every perfect).     :-/

> I think FDUPDATE is fully depending on WGET and/or CURL, both with their
> respective (and or generic URL) syntax. Your download program currently
> depends on real FTP-script-syntax instead of URLs. In due time there
> might be a MTCP WGET, who knows.

There's an easy (obvious?) answer to that:  include common packet
drivers (see above), and let mTCP's FTP grab WGET itself from iBiblio!
"Bam, problem solved!"   ;-)
Of course, they need a way to find what they want. So someone either
has to make a VERY long list in .txt or else we have to give them some
sort of web browser (presumably Arachne, which isn't perfect but good

> If we integrate MTCP properly in FD1.1 your software might inspire
> people to write more networking programs based on your stack. Something
> to be proud of, hehe :)

Somebody always comes out with something awesome (DOS-related) and
surprises us all. There are so many good authors out there. Bernd, I
don't envy your having to thank them all !!!   ;-))   Yeah, maybe I'll
make a list of them (alphabetically), heheh, gimme six months ....

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