As regards the time out issue, before continuing, I understand the  
argument against selecting anything, and just letting the end-user  
choose one after they've gotten around to it.  However, I would  
strongly discourage this behavior, since many folks expect the  
machine to choose a default, and boot if they do nothing.  In  
addition, folks who are trying to use the environment w/o sight kind  
of need it to continue, so their speech drivers will load.  If they  
add stuff to autoexec.bat to load their speech drivers, and don't  
look at config.sys after they have sighted assistance the first time,  
then they will have no idea why it's not working.
This could lead to all kinds of confusion, as well as a great deal of  
frustration on behalf of the user who doesn't realize the computer is  
waiting for them to do something to make it continue.
Defaulting to continue after x seconds makes more sense in light of  
such considerations.

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