> Hi Jevgenij :-)
Hi Eric.
> That would probably be too annoying for people who want to
> download DOS. But we could put a poll to the homepage, some
> form saying "What do YOU use DOS for? Pick a choice to tell
> us your DOS style: ..." or similar. The idea would be as on
> https://isc.sans.edu/ where today you can vote about Java
> worries (need it / avoiding it / not needing it / disabled
> in web browser / using default install) and optionally you
> can send a comment along with your vote.
I think to add voting to FreeDOS website is good idea.
>> In the FreeDOS distributive want to have more stable BASIC
>> interpreter and more stable and more usable text editor?
> Sounds nice :-) Some Borland text windowing toolkits have
> slightly limiting licenses, but you can probably use free
> alternatives if you were using those.
I do not use Borland or other proprietary toolkit - I use my own
written window toolkit.
>> GENTEXT - multiwindow text editor, more stable but standard EDIT.
> Actually FreeDOS EDIT already is multiwindow, but limited
> in file size. For big files, an interesting editor is:
> ... bla, bla, bla...
You say to me in these way - "FreeDOS does not want to have more
stable editor; use standard EDIT (old of 2006 year)"? I think to
replace standard FreeDOS EDIT by my GENTEXT editor - more stable,
free, multiwindowed withour any restrictions - is good idea.
>> And so, I can give to the FreeDOS project my BASIC interpretter like
>> the GW-BASIC - iBASIC (immortal BASIC interpreter). But this up to
>> 50% more speed about BW-BASIC; to 90% more smaller about BW-BASIC and
>> to 99% more stable (my interpreter cannot be crashed).
> I remember that BW-BASIC is annoying, so it is cool to have
> a small and stable and fast alternative. For those who do
> have more disk space, FreeBASIC is a nice BASIC with extra
> QBASIC compatibility mode for 386/newer computers: www.freebasic.net
You say to me: "Go to with your BASIC interpretter to the devil mother at all"?
>> to 80% with GW-BASIC/QBASIC. All of my can give software is GNU GPL
>> and written on the Turbo Pascal for 8086. I can be compiled the 80386
>> versions, but standard EDIT must be only the 8086 - for compatibility
> Although those computers are very hard to find now, somebody
> actually made a FreeDOS boot floppy with all-8086 selection
> of DOS software from our distro, might be interesting for you.
> I think it was Joris van Rantwijk, who used it in his tiny,
> Java based, emulator for PC-XT. See his page:
> blah, blah, blah...
> Maybe some of those distros could use some fans and
> motivation to update the software inside them :-)
Yes, it is a good idea. Thank.

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