On 12/31/2014 10:40 AM, Michael Brutman wrote:
I am a little skeptical about the prospects for success on this project.

The FreeDOS roadmap ( http://www.freedos.org/wiki/index.php/FreeDOS_Road_Map ) is out of date and short on details. I would like to see a broad discussion on the roadmap, get consensus and have it updated.

Anything that uses the name "FreeDOS" should be reserved for the classic 16 bit operating system. A new project that uses a fundamentally different kernel should not just have a different version number; it's a different OS. I would expect them to call it "FreeDOS-32 v1.0" or something like that, not FreeDOS v2.0. You should do this to preserve your trademark protections too.

Trying to find somebody on freelancer.com <http://freelancer.com> to do work on FreeDOS-32 is going to fail. It's just not going to happen. The crowd-sourcing programming sites attract people who are very optimized to do a specific piece of work, such as making a new web site using a particular framework. Operating system skills and DOS skills are not going to be available, and nobody is going to want to trudge up the learning curve for a very limited duration gig. FreeDOS contributors are hobbyists - they do it because they are interested. There is no financial incentive to work on it and the knowledge is esoteric and not in demand. It's not a good candidate for outsourcing.

The Kickstarter project may prove me wrong. I am interested to see if it does. But at a minimum please consider throwing that project back in its own namespace and not polluting "FreeDOS".


On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 8:12 AM, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org <mailto:jh...@freedos.org>> wrote:

    Chelson Aitcheson has just started an independent Kickstarter
    project to fund development for FreeDOS-32, in support of a
    FreeDOS 2.0 distribution. I will also post a note about this on
    the FreeDOS website, but I wanted to share a link here for those
    who wanted to contribute.


    The Kickstarter aims to raise $2,500 by Thursday, January 29 2015.
    Chelson's goal is to hire public developers through freelancer.com
    <http://freelancer.com> to improve FreeDOS-32. If FreeDOS-32 can
    be significantly improved, Chelson hopes it will become part of
    mainline FreeDOS.

    I'll add that I haven't used FreeDOS-32 but if it supports classic
    DOS programs on modern systems while adding new and useful
    features, I would support that kernel update in FreeDOS 2.0.


Anything "32 bit", unless it would refer to a DOSExtender, for which there are now at least a couple Open Source one, simply is not DOS anymore. And certainly nothing that would be able to run "classic DOS programs". A better spend time (and money?) would be to convince someone at the SeaBIOS project to help providing an (U)EFI boot stub, upon which a "classic" 16bit FreeDOS then could boot just "like in the old days" on the newest systems...


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