On 9/8/2015 7:46 PM, Michael Brutman wrote:
> I don't know how to respond to this;
Well, just don't.
This guy is infected with the "Stallman virus", that is a fatal 
condition for that no cure exists. And he is pushing that point of view 
religiously and merciless on everyone around...
> What you regret and what your preferences really are not relevant 
> here.  I am expressing my freedom to enjoy my hobby as I see fit, and 
> I have decided that for the moment that releasing the source code is 
> not a priority compared to other things in my life.  It is my choice 
> as to how and when I spend my hobby time.
> I am not denying anybody their freedom.  People can choose to use what 
> they want.  I have given people a great set of networking tools that 
> make FreeDOS and other flavors of DOS more useful.  You have ranted 
> like a little child because this year the gift was not quite as large 
> as you expected.  Shame on you.
Those GNU fanatics don't want for people to have a choice, in particular 
the choice to decide what one is doing with the software (s)he has written.
The latest version of mTCP is just fine and serves its purpose. As for 
the newer version, well, if you hadn't mentioned it, nobody would know 
that it exists. And would be now just as well off.

DOS is from a time when before mentioned started to spread. With "free" 
software for it in all kinds of forms and licenses. IMHO, with the 
exception of "abandon ware" (which does not exist in any legal form), 
everything that is free to use is fair game. If it isn't free to 
redistribute, well, then that is fine too. Just let those people that 
have an interest in using it decide if they download it or not. Provide 
the link to where it is available and be done with it (as far as 
FreeDOS) is concerned. Not each and every byte of software that runs on 
FreeDOS has to be "included".
And no need for this kind of "free software shaming"...


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