Ralf,I would ask that you take a breather.It is his program,he may do
whatever he wishes with it.

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 3:56 PM, Ralf Quint <freedos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 9/8/2015 7:46 PM, Michael Brutman wrote:
> >
> > I don't know how to respond to this;
> Well, just don't.
> This guy is infected with the "Stallman virus", that is a fatal
> condition for that no cure exists. And he is pushing that point of view
> religiously and merciless on everyone around...
> >
> > What you regret and what your preferences really are not relevant
> > here.  I am expressing my freedom to enjoy my hobby as I see fit, and
> > I have decided that for the moment that releasing the source code is
> > not a priority compared to other things in my life.  It is my choice
> > as to how and when I spend my hobby time.
> >
> > I am not denying anybody their freedom.  People can choose to use what
> > they want.  I have given people a great set of networking tools that
> > make FreeDOS and other flavors of DOS more useful.  You have ranted
> > like a little child because this year the gift was not quite as large
> > as you expected.  Shame on you.
> >
> +1
> Those GNU fanatics don't want for people to have a choice, in particular
> the choice to decide what one is doing with the software (s)he has written.
> The latest version of mTCP is just fine and serves its purpose. As for
> the newer version, well, if you hadn't mentioned it, nobody would know
> that it exists. And would be now just as well off.
> DOS is from a time when before mentioned started to spread. With "free"
> software for it in all kinds of forms and licenses. IMHO, with the
> exception of "abandon ware" (which does not exist in any legal form),
> everything that is free to use is fair game. If it isn't free to
> redistribute, well, then that is fine too. Just let those people that
> have an interest in using it decide if they download it or not. Provide
> the link to where it is available and be done with it (as far as
> FreeDOS) is concerned. Not each and every byte of software that runs on
> FreeDOS has to be "included".
> And no need for this kind of "free software shaming"...
> Ralf
> ---
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