On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 1:08 PM, Antony Gordon <cuzint...@gmail.com> wrote:
> HI,
> How many of you remember the DOS 6.22 install process? If possible, it
> should aim for that. It's simple and straight to the point. It worked across
> all platforms and got DOS up and running with minimal fuss. Once the setup
> is done, after a reboot, the FreeDOS package manager can run to add
> additional software and system tweaks.

That's the vision I've been talking about since May (at least, on my
blog .. I've been mostly silent from the list until recently).

The original MS-DOS install was very straightforward. Although it's
important to remember that MS-DOS was also very, very small. It fit on
like three floppies. The FreeDOS Project is much bigger, when you
include other software. But I think the install process can still be

What I want in the new installer is a simple question: do you want to
install just the Base software, or install everything?

The Base software is only those programs that replicate the
functionality and behavior of MS-DOS. Most users want to install
everything, but there's a sizable number of folks who just want to
install the Base software. So that option needs to be there.

But we don't need to ask if the user wants to install this-or-that
package. That's too detailed. No one really cares about selecting or
unselecting specific packages from the FreeDOS install. The FreeDOS
install isn't that big.

So give the option to install just Base, or everything, and let the
install run uninterrupted from there.


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