
On Mon, Nov 16, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Tom Ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de> wrote:
>> This is what I have for the “BASE” install:
>> https://github.com/shidel/FDI/blob/master/INSFILES/FDBASEB.LST

All the various nitpicking about "BASE" has been mentioned several
times before. But I don't think Jim wants to change literally anything
right now for 1.2 release. All of that will come later in further
releases. For now, he just wants to keep the status quo. You're right,
of course, that some of that could be omitted, but it's probably not a
good idea to change it so late in the release cycle.

> I'm missing UDMA/QDMA/XDMA/...; at least one of them (probably the
> latest open sourced one) should really be included

Since Jerome lists both "base/rdisk" and "base/xmgr", then presumably
he forgot to mention "base/uide" ... although it's probably not a
problem since they're usually bundled together anyways. (Or were you
talking about a different version/fork?)

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