Hello all, 

> On Jan 26, 2016, at 6:18 PM, Eric Auer <e.a...@jpberlin.de> wrote:
> Hi Jerome, Jim et al,
> In view of available disk space on normal computers, I would like to
> interpret Jim's view in a broad sense: If ANY version of MS DOS had
> the feature and we have something to provide the same feature, then
> we should make it part of a BASE install. This includes DEBUG, EDIT,
> EDLIN, BASIC, probably even LFN drivers, although LFN are part of a
> MS DOS version that could only be acquired as side-effect of Windows
> installs. But we have it and it is useful for many users. There are
> a few things that never shipped with MS DOS but which are BASE from
> my point of view: A package manager, ZIP / UNZIP and drivers for a
> number of modern pieces of hardware, including USB devices and DVD.
> BASIC is a bit controversial - use BWBASIC, small but limited? Or use
> FreeBASIC, big but versatile? I would say one is enough for BASE but
> we should provide both for the "large" install option :-) When making
> a floppy distro, experience has shown that BASE nevertheless fits on
> two or three disks, with minimal changes, e.g. no BASIC and no EDLIN.
> So as said, I suggest a broad selection of base things to be BASE :-)
> Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
> list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
> older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
> dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.

The ALL list is short. I do keep asking what else? Mainly, I mean what other 
packages from Mateusz' repository. Or other packages he may not have. But, I 
won't be packing up stuff to add so I would need prebuilt packages. :-)

> Jim wrote:
>> Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
>> functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
>> you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
>> the original MS-DOS.
>> I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
>> behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
>> while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."
> Jerome wrote:
> Hi Jerome, Jim et al,
> In view of available disk space on normal computers, I would like to
> interpret Jim's view in a broad sense: If ANY version of MS DOS had
> the feature and we have something to provide the same feature, then
> we should make it part of a BASE install. This includes DEBUG, EDIT,
> EDLIN, BASIC, probably even LFN drivers, although LFN are part of a
> MS DOS version that could only be acquired as side-effect of Windows
> installs. But we have it and it is useful for many users. There are
> a few things that never shipped with MS DOS but which are BASE from
> my point of view: A package manager, ZIP / UNZIP and drivers for a
> number of modern pieces of hardware, including USB devices and DVD.
> BASIC is a bit controversial - use BWBASIC, small but limited? Or use
> FreeBASIC, big but versatile? I would say one is enough for BASE but
> we should provide both for the "large" install option :-) When making
> a floppy distro, experience has shown that BASE nevertheless fits on
> two or three disks, with minimal changes, e.g. no BASIC and no EDLIN.
> So as said, I suggest a broad selection of base things to be BASE :-)
> Jerome, regarding the packages which are part of the ALL choice: The
> list seems suspiciously SHORT to me! We had a lot more to offer in
> older FreeDOS distros when people selected "ALL". Unless things got
> dropped from Mateusz' repository, I would keep including them all.
> Jim wrote:
>> Yes, my view is that FreeDOS "Base" should provide the equivalent
>> functionality to MS-DOS. Anything else (Devel, Edit, Util, .. or "All" if
>> you group it into one set) is extra functionality that wasn't included in
>> the original MS-DOS.
>> I think the important feature is that those who want just the "MS-DOS"
>> behavior can install only "Base" with the correspondingly small footprint,
>> while people who want a more modern DOS experience can install "All."
> Jerome wrote:
>> At present, BASE is fairly close to the 1.1 BASE. Of course, it no
>> longer includes XMGR and UIDE. this is the current ALL packages that
>> are installed. Pull rdisk? Anything else?
> It is good to exclude XMGR but Jim's 14 Jan mail spared UIDE, which I
> would really prefer to keep. You can also reduce that to UDVD2 if you
> want a more basic driver. Jim only wrote that we should drop the XMGR
> HIMEM-like XMS / HMA driver from the distro.
>> https://github.com/shidel/FDI/blob/master/SETTINGS/PKG_BASE.LST
>> Please note, that FDI’s floppy boot image needs a CD/DVD driver and
>> it is currently using UDVD2.
>> These are the current additions that are installed when ALL is selected:
>> util\v8power
>> net\mtcp
>> util\4dos
> Is the license of 4DOS fine at the moment?

I don't know. It seems vague. There was talk about pulling it. And talk about 
how bad it would be to not have it. So?

>> util\doslfn
>> util\fdnpkg
> Make the 2 above BASE, if you ask me.
>> util\memtest
>> util\bootfix
>> util\shsufdrv
>> util\cwsdpmi
>> archiver\zip
>> archiver\unzip
> I would make those 4 BASE, too.
>> util\grep
>> util\tee
>> util\touch
>> util\which
>> util\pg
>> archiver\tar
>> archiver\gzip
>> archiver\bz2
>> devel\nasm
> Which version?

Latest for DOS, I think it is 2.11.08. It's a couple years old. But much newer 
than the previous version. I do know that some of the sources don't work with 
the new nasm. But, the should be brought up to date. Not the other way around. 

>> devel\fpc

Only 2.6.4. 3.0.0 requires LFN or an extensive port. 

>> devel\ow
> OpenWatcom C AND Assembler?

I don't use them. But, I have no issue with including them.

> And how about FreeBASIC?

Same here. What are the packages names? 

>> net\wget
>> net\rsync
>> net\curl
>> Add or remove anything else?
> Add Bret's USB drivers, if you ask me. And some choice
> of network packet drivers for common real and virtual
> hardware, otherwise network tools like WGET do not make
> much sense. Availability of free open source network
> packet drivers is limited, but I am sure you have a few.

I figure once we add a bunch and can mostly agree on what should be in there, 
we can give the whole list to Jim to veto stuff and change it. 

>> Jerome
> Regards, Eric
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