On 7/29/2016 5:04 PM, David McMackins wrote:
> I have some modifications I'd like to make to PowerPaint as hosted on
> the FreeDOS archives, but I'm unable to compile the source. I'm
> attempting to use FreePascal to do the job, but it's failing to compile
> some of the units due to assembler syntax errors.
> I can't exactly tell what the problem is; the syntax looks fine to me,
> but it's throwing 'Unknown identifier "DX"' and similar for vga2.pas
> Is there another assembler or compiler I need to be using for this program?
Well, I can tell you exactly what the problem is: It is a Turbo Pascal 
program, using the BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) library for the 
graphics. That simply won't fly to compile in FreePascal, which is from 
the get-go a 32bit compiler that can't handle the BGI graphics drivers.

Furthermore, any inline assembler, beside being 32bit, is by default in 
AT&T syntax and not the Intel like syntax used in the Borland compilers...

For all practical purposes, even there is now a 16bit x86 target option 
for FreePascal, just trying to compile the sources without significant 
re-working simply won't work...


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