
On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 9:54 PM, Ralf Quint <freedos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> NASM would be another show stopper in that case, as it too has a
> different syntax than the inline assembler of Turbo Pascal.

Not sure exactly, but FPC can output various assembly formats, and it
must convert internally between various ones. So it's not "only" NASM
syntax supported here.

> And yes, there is no native FreePascal compiler [targeting i8086-msdos] on 
> DOS,


> you have to use either a Windows or a Linux based cross-compiler.

Although it's not a perfect solution, you can use the Win32 snapshots
under HX in raw DOS.

> The best chances for him would be to get the Turbo Pascal 5.5 compiler
> from the oldies section at Embarcadero or try and get a copy of Borland
> Pascal on EBay, if those are still around...

TP 5.5 is okay but fairly weak in some areas. eBay is probably useless
(EDIT: can't find anything useful). If he just wants to build once, he
can ask someone who has TP (who?) to build for him. If he wants to do
further development, he's going to have to learn more anyways, so FPC
isn't out of the question.

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