Hi guys,

(Apart from the condescending tone...)

offer Japeth (or other developers) this money to implement your wishes?

That would be weird in a _Free_DOS(-related) project. ("Free" in the "gratis" meaning here, not the "open source".)

I personally would feel it insulting if someone offered me money to implement his or her personal wish in my free software, if I didn't like the idea contained in that wish. I'm lucky that I have no commercial software into which I _must_ add functionality requested by customers, only because they give me money to do so and I make a living off them. (And, before you'd ask, I _am_ a software developer. :-) ) I assume Japheth feels similarly about his software. This is a different kind of "software scope". Bye,

KOVÁCS Balázs aka Joe Forster/STA; s...@c64.rulez.org; http://sta.c64.org
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