On 11/3/2023 11:36 AM, Wilhelm Spiegl via Freedos-devel wrote:
Hi Ralf,
you never make a mistake? Then you never make a "backup"?
Rarely. And I do.
The thing that is more interesting for me is how the person really made it.

I just found this very same email in my spam folder, Thunderbird (or GMail) just perfectly fine determined that this is spam, hence, I did not see this when it came in.

I certainly won't make the mistake of reading/receiving email in a web browser. Email clients exist for a reason, and proper spam/virus scanning/filtering is one of the benefits that every email client worth it's salt provides.

As for the way how this email is made, well, that is as stated before what makes me wonder on how someone can just click on such a link. "One way link" just doesn't make any sense in the overall "picture" of the email. So first thing I do before I would even attempt to hover over the link with the mouse, which in my email client will show me the actual address that link points to. At latest at this point, together with the overall indescriptive email (not counting the apparently badly copied contents of an half year old email thread), it should be obvious that this is a phishing attempt.

Sorry Wilhelm, but it's the year 2023 and everyone should know by now that the Internet isn't the friendly place anymore it was +30 years ago and use common sense....


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