Listen, for developer documentation, we should be skipping YouTube
entirely.  There's absolutely no good developer documentation that's
shipped in video form. In fact, the medium prevents it.

You cannot copy and paste from a video.
You cannot ^F and search through a video.
You have to deal with prerendered text that may be in a terrible font or be
illegibly butchered by video compression (especially depending on the color
schemes used!)
You have to deal with either no subtitles, or machine-generated subtitles
both full of transcription errors and devoid of grammar for the vast
majority of videos. It's very rare that the video uploader will go behind
himself and craft proper subtitles (with proper grammar!) for you to read
(or ^F search through, in the few video-playing environments that allow
that - YouTube is NOT one of them.)
You have to deal with various random spoken accents which can yield the
content unintelligible for some (or even most) viewers.

And absolutely most important:
You are emphasizing spoken language over written language, which is
antithetical to computer programming - a written exercise. Computer code is
nearly exclusively text, you need to think in text, and you thus should
want the educational materials to be majority text, if not exclusively so.
Video content should be limited to small demonstrative clips that are
embedded into an otherwise written document, similar to how Twitter posts
get embedded into news articles. If you struggle with reading, you're
plainly not going to cut it as a software developer, no exceptions - every
single line of code you will ever interact with will have to be read, it
will not be spoken aloud for you. Every line of code you ever write will
be, well, written; you will not speak it aloud.

The moment FreeDOS starts pushing video lessons for developer tutorials is
essentially the day that FreeDOS has died.

Kirn Gill II
Mobile: +1 813-300-2330 <+18133002330>
VoIP: +1 813-704-0420 <+18137040420>

On Wed, May 8, 2024 at 10:29 AM Bernd Böckmann via Freedos-devel <> wrote:

> > I like that idea. I think a good place to add these would be in the
> > "Technical information" section on that page, maybe as another row of
> > "info boxes" before (or after? not sure) the row that has RBIL, VGA
> > programming, and the Graphics Programming book.
> I would put it below Technical Information as another row.
> >
> > What are some good YouTube channels about DOS programming that I
> > should point to?
> I like the following playlist. He uses Turbo C, PowerBasic, NASM. While he
> does it on DosBox, the skills are transferable. Be aware: heavy german
> accent :)
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