
     [Don't know what happen, but SF silently ignores/losts my letters. B-E
Second day: one was saturday, second was today. Not funny. Below _repost_ of
my letter with new patch from today, monday.]

     New updates for my patches. Because I already remove intermediate
files, there present diff file not to my last patch, but to files, as
patched by Bart.

- BUILDALL.BAT, CLEAN.BAT: not all DELs was NULed.
- CONFIG.B: comment for NASM updated by request of Bernd. :)
- KERNEL\MAKEFILE: not all individual rules was present (asmsupt.asm), not
  all dependencies was present (eg, segs.inc for irqstack.asm).
- KERNEL\NLS_LOAD.C: removed.

PS: config.h also may be removed, because it is dummy (for this only
required to remove reference in globals.h). When (and if!) it will be
required, it may be added back.

PS2: KERNEL\NLS\001-437.HC is desynced with KERNEL\NLS_HC.ASM.

PS3: header files in globals.h and init-mode.h included in different order.

PS4: repeat for my previous question: why to duplicate "clean" and
"clobber"? Another one: who make files status.me, *.cod, *.las?

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