Mon, 23 Aug 2004 00:00:30 +1200 (NZST), Bart Oldeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

63978 bytes!!! HOORAY!!! ;-) ;-) ;-)
Still strange. I get 64266, doesn't matter whether it's OW 1.2 or 1.3.

Strange indeed.

#if !defined(FORSYS)
#pragma aux default parm [ax dx cx] modify [ax dx es fs]
in portab.h works only if you use the 386 options that may explain why it didn't work for you.

What do you mean by "the 386 options"? I do use the -3 option as well as -zff -zgf options.

The pragma reduces it to 63850 (from 64266, ie. 416 bytes).

Wow! I'd like to try this.

To reduce compressed size you can try
#pragma aux default parm [ax dx] modify [ax bx cx dx es fs]
which adds ~200 bytes uncompressed but reduces 300 compressed.

Very interesting! Does it also require "the 386 options" you mention, and what are these options?

Also shuffling the link order helps a bit.
~100 bytes off compressed kernel.

Indeed! It helps the Borland kernel too - 86 packed bytes less.

-zm gets it further but that's broken (segments messed up), but if that can be fixed you just need to get it below 40960 (80 sectors).

That's the threshold I'd like to reach with Watcom in order to replace Borland by it.

Anyway the code generator hasn't improved from our point of view.

That's the only weak point indeed. They didn't seem to fix the bug I reported (bug 407) either. I suspect there are other bugs introduced in 11.0 but not present in 10.6 that remain in 13.0 (1.3).

The compiler is significantly faster for certain code (not sure if that affects FD-kernel). In case you're interested I've put the changes below.

Thanks! I read it and saved for my reference. Quite impressive list of changes! I especially like the support of all the instruction sets into the assembler (we use some of them here). Now we have not only the best universal x86 compiler, but also the best MASM-compatible x86 assembler! Shame on Borland who introduced 3DNow! in their inline assmbler but not in their stand-alone TASM! :-(


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