
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 9:53 AM, Henrique Peron <hpe...@terra.com.br> wrote:
> I have just downloaded a course on esperanto. Interesting language.

For the record, all languages are difficult. While E-o is often touted
as easier to learn, it's still got a learning curve. Also, I know how
easy it is to lose interest in things, so no pressure! But let me
offer some very very simple tips:

1). Skim the "official" _Fundamento_, esp. for the "16 rules". [1]

2). The _Fundamento_ also has an official vocabulary ("UV"), but sadly
most texts and people seem to ignore it and use unofficial words. Part
of the biggest problem with learning a language is the vocabulary. One
of my goals was always to try to not need a dictionary at every step
of the way. Typically in E-o, it's "better" to combine simple word
roots than use neologisms, e.g. skribilo vs. krajono. (So don't obsess
over every obscure word.) I remembered a text file from years back
that had the most common word roots. Maybe it will help you minimize
the tedious memorization needed, at least for common stuff. [2]

3). BTW, there are many books and magazines in print form. Heck, even
I've (in the past) subscribed to one from Brazil (which had to be
shipped two issues at a time due to postage). Your local E-o group can
help, if desired. [3]

4). But there's also lots of free literature online at Don Harlow's
old page. [4]

1. http://www.akademio-de-esperanto.org/fundamento/index.html
2. ftp://ftp.stack.nl/pub/esperanto/word-lists.dir/oftaj-morfemoj.txt
3. http://esperanto.org.br/bel/
4. http://donh.best.vwh.net/Esperanto/Literaturo/literaturo.html

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