
On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Ulrich Hansen <my.gr...@mailbox.org> wrote:
> Am 26.08.2016 um 08:28 schrieb Louis Santillan <lpsan...@gmail.com>:
> Made my own dog food:
> <https://github.com/lpsantil/m2wat.bat>
> Hi Louis,
> Thanks for your work! It’s a nice idea to use a batch file for it. I just
> tried it. It works but has some flaws yet. Here’s the feedback:
> 1. If I run the program in AUTOEXEC.BAT I get several error messages. See:
> https://www.lazybrowndog.net/freedos/files/m2wat.bat.png

Presumably due to this line:

REM -- Copyright (c) 2016, Louis P. Santillan <lpsan...@gmail.com>

... so ...

FIX: Change "REM" to "::" and it should hopefully ignore that.

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