Thanks for the feed.  I realized the issue redirection as soon as
Ulrich mentioned it.  Is it possible this is a bug wrt how FD handles REM statements?  Obviously my expectation was that
REM was a true comment and not some pseudo NOP command that ignores
its arguments, allowing the redirection to continue to be processed by
the %SHELL%.   I'll fix this up tonight and also test against my MS
DOS VM.  Thanks for the fix suggestion as well Rugxulo.

And to your point about the batch file being dumb.  That was
intentional.  The mTCP config seems to be a lot less cumbersome even
if less configurable (?) than WatTCP config.  My intention was to
simply map what is obvious.  If someone has additional config, I'd
suggest doing something like


On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 3:11 PM, Rugxulo <> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Ulrich Hansen <> wrote:
>> Am 26.08.2016 um 08:28 schrieb Louis Santillan <>:
>> Made my own dog food:
>> <>
>> Hi Louis,
>> Thanks for your work! It’s a nice idea to use a batch file for it. I just
>> tried it. It works but has some flaws yet. Here’s the feedback:
>> 1. If I run the program in AUTOEXEC.BAT I get several error messages. See:
> Presumably due to this line:
> REM -- Copyright (c) 2016, Louis P. Santillan <>
> ... so ...
> FIX: Change "REM" to "::" and it should hopefully ignore that.
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