On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 4:28 PM Vincent Asaro <carrotfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Eric,
> Thank you for the detailed response! I never played video games, actually, 
> I'm just nostalgic for the text interface experience and I really want to use 
> WordPerfect again but without installing a VM. As long as I can enter code 
> and also load DOS programs via USB, I'll get tons of mileage out of FD - 
> there are several legacy word processors I also want to try, like Electric 
> Pencil. A weird obsession, I know, but I'm a writer ;) Thanks again!

It depends on what you consider a VM.  There is an open source
cross-platform package called DOSbox, intended to let folks play old
DOS games on things that *aren't* DOS PCs.  A fork called vDOS is
specifically intended for supporting DOS character mode productivity
applications, but it is X86 specific.

I use the vDOSPlus fork of vDOS to run an assortment of old DOS
programs here under Win10.  In my case, I run  the VDE editor, which
is a WordStar clone that originated under CP/M and was subsequently
moved to DOS (though I have successfully run WS7 as well.), and a few
old DOS character mode games, like DOS versions of Unix Larn and VMS
Empire.  Word Perfect runs as well, and there's a fan site with
details on running it under vDOS here:

(I have also gotten them running on an Android tablet using an Android
port of DOSBox.  The problem there was finding an Android port of
DOSBox that passed ctrl-key combos through to the application, which
as an absolute necessity for running a WordStar style editor.)

DOSBox and VDOSPlus implement enough of DOS to run DOS applications
but you'll want to add things.  In particular, the provided shell you
talk to at a command line is a subset of COMMAND.COM providing just
enough to let you type in the name of a program to run.  For
anythi8nhg beyond that, you'll want to install FreeDOS command or 4DOS
which is also available for FreeDOS.

Running DOS apps here with vDOSPlus is a matter of a shortcut that
runs the vDOSPlus program, and runs it *in* the directory where the
DOS app lives. vDOS looks for autoexec.txt and config.txt files which
are the equivalent of autoexec.bat and config.sys and perform the same
functions and you run the program from auatexec..

You can find vDOSPlus here: https://www.vDosPlus.org

If you want to run  FreeDOS "on the bare metal", so to speak, your
hardware looks more than adequate, assuming you can install from USB.

Where did you find a runnable version of Electric Pencil?

> ~ Vincent

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