On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 9:54 PM dmccunney <dennis.mccun...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 8:10 PM Vincent Asaro <carrotfi...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dennis - Thank you for all the info!
> You're welcome.
> > I installed Linux Mint via USB on that machine, I just want to be sure
> FD will "see" the ports, so to speak, but the FD page sez it's so, so it
> must be!
> Seeing USB ports and being able to use them are different things.
> Bear in mind that FreeDOS was intended to be a compatible open source
> alternative to MSDOS.  USB did not *exist* when what FreeDOS was
> trying to be compatible with was still being developed and sold.  An
> assortment of things folks would like in FreeDOS fall into the "It
> didn't exist in real DOS, and therefore doesn't in FreeDOS" bucket.
> USB is a FreeDOS work in progress.  There is some support, but whether
> there is support for what you require is another matter.  (Assuming
> you can install FreeDOS *from* USB, can you then write *to* something
> attached to USB, like a thumb drive?  How will you get stuff you
> create *on* the HP off of it and to something else?  And yes,
> networking will be another challenge.)
> > I found the code for EP on Archive.org, mimeo of typewritten doc (!)
> it's abt 4 pages long and I have every intention of punching in every
> character manually LoL It's one of my Holy Grails, just to use that program
> :)
> Have fun.  EP was originally written for an 8 bit Atari microcomputer
> that did not use CP/M or DOS as the OS.  It was ported to CP/M by
> other hands, and then to TRSDOS on the TRS-80 by yet other hands.  Do
> not expect the source you found on archive.org in a scan of a
> typewritten document to be usable as is, even if you successfully
> transcribe it.
> Since you were able to install Linux Mint (and I assume it ran), you
> might be better served by installing DOSBox under Mint and using it to
> run old DOS apps.  You would at least have USB support already extant.
> (I'd want more RAM on the HP machine, but 2GB should work.  I have
> Lubuntu dual-booting on an Acer Aspire1 notebook with WinXP Home.  The
> Acer has 1.5GB RAM.  Lubuntu is not exactly speedy, but *does* run.)
> ______
> Dennis
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