Dennis - Thank you for all the info! I installed Linux Mint via USB on that
machine, I just want to be sure FD will "see" the ports, so to speak, but
the FD page sez it's so, so it must be! I found the code for EP on, mimeo of typewritten doc (!) it's abt 4 pages long and I have
every intention of punching in every character manually LoL It's one of my
Holy Grails, just to use that program :)

On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 6:22 PM dmccunney <> wrote:

> On Sun, May 3, 2020 at 4:28 PM Vincent Asaro <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Eric,
> >
> > Thank you for the detailed response! I never played video games,
> actually, I'm just nostalgic for the text interface experience and I really
> want to use WordPerfect again but without installing a VM. As long as I can
> enter code and also load DOS programs via USB, I'll get tons of mileage out
> of FD - there are several legacy word processors I also want to try, like
> Electric Pencil. A weird obsession, I know, but I'm a writer ;) Thanks
> again!
> It depends on what you consider a VM.  There is an open source
> cross-platform package called DOSbox, intended to let folks play old
> DOS games on things that *aren't* DOS PCs.  A fork called vDOS is
> specifically intended for supporting DOS character mode productivity
> applications, but it is X86 specific.
> I use the vDOSPlus fork of vDOS to run an assortment of old DOS
> programs here under Win10.  In my case, I run  the VDE editor, which
> is a WordStar clone that originated under CP/M and was subsequently
> moved to DOS (though I have successfully run WS7 as well.), and a few
> old DOS character mode games, like DOS versions of Unix Larn and VMS
> Empire.  Word Perfect runs as well, and there's a fan site with
> details on running it under vDOS here:
> (I have also gotten them running on an Android tablet using an Android
> port of DOSBox.  The problem there was finding an Android port of
> DOSBox that passed ctrl-key combos through to the application, which
> as an absolute necessity for running a WordStar style editor.)
> DOSBox and VDOSPlus implement enough of DOS to run DOS applications
> but you'll want to add things.  In particular, the provided shell you
> talk to at a command line is a subset of COMMAND.COM providing just
> enough to let you type in the name of a program to run.  For
> anythi8nhg beyond that, you'll want to install FreeDOS command or 4DOS
> which is also available for FreeDOS.
> Running DOS apps here with vDOSPlus is a matter of a shortcut that
> runs the vDOSPlus program, and runs it *in* the directory where the
> DOS app lives. vDOS looks for autoexec.txt and config.txt files which
> are the equivalent of autoexec.bat and config.sys and perform the same
> functions and you run the program from auatexec..
> You can find vDOSPlus here:
> If you want to run  FreeDOS "on the bare metal", so to speak, your
> hardware looks more than adequate, assuming you can install from USB.
> Where did you find a runnable version of Electric Pencil?
> > ~ Vincent
> ______
> Dennis
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