Hi everyone

I'm thinking about making a few changes to the FreeDOS website. But I don't
want this to be "just another makeover" that makes things pretty. Instead,
I'm looking for what you will find useful.

I'm thinking of a few things already:

*1. Update the wiki*
The wiki is arguably part of the FreeDOS website, and people go there if
they can't find the information they are looking for on the rest of the
site. It seems most people use the website to download FreeDOS, check the
latest news, find links, and get general information. But if they are
looking for a "how-to" or other documentation, they look to the wiki for

As I mentioned in the get-together today, the wiki is out of date. The wiki
started as docs we kept in the SourceForge site-wide wiki. When SF stopped
running a site-wide wiki, they gave all projects an export of their data
and instructions for how to set up their own MediaWiki. I don't know
MediaWiki, but I was able to follow the instructions to set up the wiki we
have now.

The setup works, but it's really hard for me to do basic "admin" things
like add new editors. So I need to update that.

An updated wiki will make it easier to provide up-to-date documentation and
"how-to" instructions.

*2. Make it easy to share stuff*
Sometimes it would be nice to share a news item with Twitter or other
social media. I'm working on an update to the News system that will provide
"share" buttons to share a news item on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
I'd also like to include Reddit.

As a bonus, this update also makes this easier to manage on the back-end.

*3. Make the front page more welcoming*
The front page is a quick "landing page" for people to learn about FreeDOS.
It's not bad, but could be better. I'm planning to embed the latest FreeDOS
video on the front, since the videos are about *things you can do with
FreeDOS* or *showing off neat features in FreeDOS*, so I think the video
will help. I'll also make the screenshots smaller so they don't take up so
much of the screen.

I also want to make it easier to start downloading FreeDOS right from the
front page. I'm not sure yet how I'll do that, but I'm thinking about
borrowing from the https://getfedora.org/ front page, where they have a
small info box about each "spin" of the Fedora distro, and a "Download Now"
button that brings you to a separate page where you actually download
Fedora. What do you think?

BTW, you can already access the front page as https://www.freedos.org/ or
http://www.freedos.org/ or https://freedos.org/ or http://freedos.org/

Let me know what you think will make the website easier to use. I'll plan
to tackle this in February or March, with plans to deploy in March or April.

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