I've started a test version of the website at test.freedos.org and I'd love
your feedback on it!

*A few notes:*

This is a *mock-up* of the new website, and it is a work in progress. You
might see the design change from day to day as I decide to update things.

It's also *incomplete*. For example, right now the top bar isn't centered.
And you may notice some faint boxes on the main page - such as around the
diagrams and the articles. I'm using these to help me with the layout; this
will be changed to black-on-white in the end. You'll also notice that
sub-pages (links on the website) may land on a plain text description of
what the page will be eventually. But I obviously haven't tackled those
pages yet - and don't plan to until I decide the front page and general
layout has been figured out.

If you'd like to help, please answer these questions and scenarios:

1. What is your immediate impression? Does it look easier to find
information? Is it more welcoming?

2. Imagine you wanted to download the latest version of FreeDOS. Can you
figure out what version you need? Can you download the right version?

3. Imagine you're a developer and you want to contribute to FreeDOS in some
way. Where would you go first? What information are you looking for?

4. Imagine you're a new user who wants to try FreeDOS, but you don't have a
lot of experience with DOS. You might need help with the commands and
getting around. Can you get the help you need to do that?

5. Imagine you want to download some games to play on FreeDOS. Where would
you go to find games and download them?

6. Imagine you are new to FreeDOS, and you want to know what things you can
do with it. Can you figure this out from the front page? Where else would
you go? What links would you click on to learn more?

7. Imagine you're a developer and you'd like to try out FreeDOS. You're not
sure if you should get too invested in something if it's not being updated
very frequently. Can you tell if FreeDOS is being updated? By looking at
the website, can you figure out if FreeDOS is active, or maybe has been
"dead" or "idle" for a few years?
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