Hello Jim,

One more idea:

On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 23:54, Jim Hall <jh...@freedos.org> wrote:

> *3. Make the front page more welcoming*
> The front page is a quick "landing page" for people to learn about
> FreeDOS. It's not bad, but could be better. I'm planning to embed the
> latest FreeDOS video on the front, since the videos are about *things you
> can do with FreeDOS* or *showing off neat features in FreeDOS*, so I
> think the video will help. I'll also make the screenshots smaller so they
> don't take up so much of the screen.

Why not add a link to one of those fancy HTML virtual machines? With a link
of "Try it now!".
I seem to remember there were several out there (I can't think of any, but
I guess you list folks can post your favourite).

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