Karen, Jim,

threatening legal actions against people who misunderstand
your suffering is not appropriate. At all. It makes me sad
that getting computers to cooperate with you is so hard,
and I am sorry for making bad or stupid suggestions in
that context, but none of us is engaging in "slander".


> Jim,
> This post will be edited to remove  Liam's slander or I will investigate
> what may be done  legally.
> The internet is  increasingly a public place.
> I am a media and music professional, and I will not have my reputation
> tarnished by someone who thinks his personal use of machines makes him
> an expert on the lives of millions.
> Liam may claim he did not know, but felt he could slander me  anyway.
> My body and my brain, and my choices to use computers as I can right
> now, with the issues I have is none of his  business.
> Via his slander though he has made it necessary for me to talk of
> personal medical concerns on a public list.
> Something no human being should have to endure.
> What Liam illustrates perfectly is just why so much of Linux  remains
> challenging for many.
> The attitude of those like him who believe their  experience projects to
> everyone else, and that everyone  sharing a label are interchangeable.
> I am profoundly thankful  to  the apple techs  doctors, and scientists
> who believe I deserve technology that works for me, as I am, not as 
> Liam dictionary dictates.
> best,
>  Karen lewellen

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