On 2/7/2023 3:40 AM, tom ehlert wrote:
The use of (n)curses for example is a typical Unix thing, that has
nothing to do with DOS and should not be shoehorned into a DOS
add DEVICE=ANSI.SYS to your config.sys and you can easily 'port'
(=compile and fix C compiler discrepacies) your curses  programs to
Well, if you want to "port" an existing program from Unix/Linux to DOS, this would be a quick option, with all the added bloat...

programming *on* DOS in the year 2023 is like self flagellation. you
are absolutely allowed to do it; it's just not recommended.
Why not? It worked just fine for all intends and purposes for two decades, so why would that not be "recommended" to do so in 2023? That is the part that I think is the true fallacy that too many people perpetrate these days, when claiming to be interested in (Free)DOS.


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