On Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 08:50:53AM -0500,
Steve Sobol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is thought to have said:

> I *hope* the freeradius mailing list is only open for posting by
> subscribers. I complained about OpenSSL-Users being wide open
> once and got told "well, that's the way it has to be" and as a result
> I unsubscribed. This list is a great resource and I'd hate to have to
> leave it because non-subscribers are allowed to post, because that
> would vastly increase the amount of spam I receive.

It's an unfortunate problem, since generally speaking you want the 
support-type lists to be as accessable to people who need help as possible.

On the exim-users list, we had to go subscriber-only posts with everything
else getting caught in the moderation queue. That affects several messages a
day which have to be approved by hand. And if the list admins are
unavailable for some reason then you start getting complaints about why
messages aren't going through.

But, yeah, I hope that someone who can changes freeradius-users over to
subscriber only soon.


Tabor J. Wells                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Fsck It!                 Just another victim of the ambient morality

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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