> Yes...my post was _only_ (another) real-world example about what
> section 5 says. Do you think that if it is not interesting to 'us'
> it is not interesting at all?

  I'm not sure what you mean.

  For one, development questions should be discussed on the
freeradius-devel list.  The -users list is more for general Q&A about
configuring and running the server.

  As for "interesting" questions, I think that problems discussed in
the documentation are interesting ONLY in their solutions.  There's no
need to discuss known problems on the list, as the documentation
already does that.

> >   We already know all of this.  It's already in the documentation.  If
> > you're going to simply re-post the docs, I don't see why you're
> > wasting your time.
> If my messages so irritate, I'll not send them any more.

  Please send *new* problems, or solutions to *old* problems to the
-devel list.  But there's no need for *anyone* to post bits of the
documentation on the list, and say "I agree, that happens!".  I don't
see how it adds anything to our knowledge.

> >   I'm interested in seeing *solutions*, or *patches* to the server,
> > not re-posts of the documentation.
> >   Will you submit a patch?
> If I'll decide to solve the problem on the radius side. But at now
> I'm not sure that you're interested in my solutions.

  I have REPEATEDLY said I'm interested in solutions, so you are
intentionally misunderstanding me.  That's annoying, and it's not

  What I'm NOT interested in are complaints that the server is
broken.  Yes, we already know Simultaneous-Use has problems.  So?
You're upset that I asked you for solutions, and you're threatening to
go away, come up with a solution, and then punish me by not sharing
it.  That's a classic case of... it should be obvious.

  What confuses me is the *point* of your original message on the
subject.  You referenced the documentation about Simultaneous-Use, and
then said "and in this example, it doesn't work."  I'm wondering why
you sent the message.  You didn't offer a solution, and you didn't say
anything new, on top of what was already in the documentation.

  What kind of response did you expect?  A horde of "me, too!" messages?

  If you want to send messages to the list about problems you've read
about in the documentation, that's your concern.  But I don't see why
you would waste your time doing so.  And I don't see how re-posting
bits from the documentation will help solve the problems it talks

  Alan DeKok.

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