At 10:23 AM 1/28/2003 -0600, Robert Canary wrote:
Yes I read that, however, there are some details that do not line line
up, or do not exist.  As the author said "they are my personal notes"

I noticed in the(that) doc the id is repeated, yet the db
table(radcheck,usergroup,radreply,radgroupcheck,radgroupreply) has it as

I am still unclear about what tables are read and when....

I understand the as a pasword file for authentication.
What is the significance of radgroup, if I pass attributes from the
radreply, do I need to populate the radgroupreply?
No.  Think of radcheck as a specific entry in the 'users' file.

Will radius fail if the user is not listed in radgroup?
No.  Think of radgroup[check|reply] as a DEFAULT entry that is hit
because the specific 'users' entry has 'Fall-Through = Yes'.

Is radius suppose to fail if the user's group is not listed in

radgroup[check|reply] serve to allow you to place the common elements
of your user profiles into a single db entry, thus reducing DB table

What table is checked first? ANS:radcheck
And from what information in that table dose radius use to determin its
next action?
Nothing.  It uses radgroup[check|reply] if you have an entry in usergroup.

This far I have determined the following (please correct this if wrong)

radius looks for a chap password
radius looks for a mschap
radiuis looks for a realm "@"
radius looks in radcheck
Now here is where I am not sure what is happening.....
IF it dosen't find the username in radcheck it still looks for the user
in the radgroupcheck, but the radius debug(-x) dosen't indicate what it
is looking for, it gose on to query to the radgroupreply, *then* give
the statement user not found in radgroupcheck.

So how dose the radgroupcheck fall into the scheme of things.  It looks
as though it is redundant when I can use the radreply to set up the
You can.  As stated above radgroup allows you to 'group' the common
attributes shared by a 'group' of users with a common profile.

IE, you put the password in 'radcheck', an entry for the user in
'usergroup', and the remainder of the a/v pairs in radgroupreply.

I am getting the impression the db table progression is similar to the
fall-through function of the user.conf file.  Am I getting close?
Yes, see the explanation above.

Hope this helps,
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