Once again, I figured out at least part of the solution myself... I changed the +='s on the radgroupreply Idle-Timeout, and now the radreply value replaces the radgroupreply's value...

However, that leaves me with another problem... Part of our users with static IP's are ADSL users, and we use a Cisco box to aggregate them all... Two of the values I have to send back to them are:

Cisco-AVPair = ip:route=
Cisco-AVPair = ip:addr-pool=pool1

Since both have the same attribute names, I have to use the += operator, or else freeradius thinks I want to replace one of them with the other...

So, there's really no easy way to add these to the radreply table, since the radgroupreply's will always override them..

Any thoughts?

Thanks again,
Brad Stockdale

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