Hello all,

This may be yet another one of those obvious answers that I just cant seem to locate... But this time at least I read the rlm_sql docs better than I did the last time I posted a question. :)

Most of our users fall into two different radgroupreply's that I have setup, but there are a handful that have special configurations... static ip's, non-default idle timeouts, etc... Right now I cant authenticate them against the mysql database, beacuse all t he users get one of the two default groups I have setup for their reply attributes...

Is there a way to override the radgroupreply's for specific users?

To make things clearer, here's some table data...

mysql> select * from radcheck where UserName = 'test5PPP';
| id | UserName | Attribute | op | Value | Status |
| 2217 | test5PPP | Password | == | ddffgg99 | enabled |

mysql> select * from usergroup where UserName = 'test5PPP';
| id | UserName | GroupName |
| 2217 | test5PPP | dialup_dynamic |

mysql> select * from radgroupreply where GroupName = 'dialup_dynamic';
| id | GroupName | Attribute | op | Value | prio |
| 1 | dialup_dynamic | Framed-Protocol | += | PPP | 0 |
| 2 | dialup_dynamic | Framed-Address | += | | 0 |
| 3 | dialup_dynamic | Framed-Netmask | += | | 0 |
| 4 | dialup_dynamic | Framed-Routing | += | None | 0 |
| 5 | dialup_dynamic | Framed-Compression | += | Van-Jacobsen-TCP-IP | 0 |
| 6 | dialup_dynamic | Framed-MTU | += | 1500 | 0 |
| 7 | dialup_dynamic | Session-Timeout | += | 43200 | 0 |
| 8 | dialup_dynamic | Idle-Timeout | += | 1800 | 0 |

And what I was trying to do for a test case was change the Idle-Timeout attribute of the reply by adding an entry to the radreply table:

mysql> select * from radreply where UserName = 'test5PPP';
| id | UserName | Attribute | op | Value |
| 1 | test5PPP | Idle-Timeout | += | 2000 |

When I run a test auth using this configuration, though, I get two Idle-Timeout values... One at 1800 seconds (from the radgroupreply table) and one with 2000 seconds (from the radreply table)

I have tried both the := operator and the += operator. They give the same results -- two Idle-Timeout attributes...

Am I doing something obviously wrong, or is this type of setup not going to work with freeradius?

If all else fails, I can continue to keep the 'special' users with static ip's, different timeouts, and the like in a cistron type file... But I'd prefer to keep it all in sql is possible.

Thank you,
Brad Stockdale

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