If all else fails, you can do:

$ CPPFLAGS="-I /weird/stuff"
$ CFLAGS="-I /other/weird/stuff"
$ LDFLAGS="-L/even/weirder/stuff -llib"
$ ./configure

and it will work. 'configure' is designed to do that.

OK... I've done that and gotten to the next level of problem... My installed Cyrus SASL is installed as libsasl2.so... For some reason (unkonwn to me), I guess the current version of the SASL libs (which my copy of openldap is built against) are now named libsasl2 instead of libsasl. Not being familiar with any of this, I'm looking for the quick easy answer of what's the path of least resistance...

        1.      Go through and replace the -lsasl references
                with -lsasl2
        2.      Symlink libsasl2 to libsasl (less than desirable
                for a number of reasons in the environment in question)
        3.      Some alternative that hasn't occurred to me yet.



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