On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 12:05:26 -0400
"Alan DeKok" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Graeme Hinchliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >   Find out why the server is taking so long to process requests,fix
> > > the problem, and it will be much better.
> ...
> > The length of time these theads are hanging around is days.
>   That's not a problem.  The purpose of the "thread pool" is precisely
> to have threads which hang around for days, or even weeks.  But during
> that time, each thread will handle many requests.

indeed. but 403 threads is a little excessive for the load of 1 or 2 requests every 5 
seconds.  Only need that many threads when the load is very high.

> >  There is no load on the box at all and mysql is responding in a
> > timely manner. 
>   Then something else is causing the thread to take a long time to
> process a request.

any ideas? or pointers at what I should look at?

> > I thought that if a request was unfinished for a long time the
> > server should just drop it? which in turn would cause the threads to
> > quit too?
>   Yes, and no.

How do I get it to cull down threads during quiet times then?

Graeme Hinchliffe (BSc)
Core Team Member
Zen Internet (http://www.zen.co.uk)

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