> From: Nick Davis
> Sent: Friday, 26 September 2003 7:57 AM

> I have been using freeradius since 0.3 installed from source and I wanted to 
> give the debian package a try. I did not see a freeradius package in unstable 
> nor testing. Is freeradius still changing too fast for debian?

Not anymore, I feel. The prospective Debian packaging of 0.9.1 is with the
prospective sponsor, so hopefully in time for Sarge's release...

> I am building the debian package on a debian Woody stable system and am going 
> to copy it over to a debian Sarge testing system. 

Wild. Any reason you're not building it on a testing system? I'd offer to
do so, but my testing machine is also PowerPC, and so the packages probably
aren't a lot of use to you. :-)

> The freeradius I downloaded is: freeradius-snapshot-20030925
> I found the instructions Paul H. wrote below along with his other post that 
> has the patch to take iodbc out of the main freeradius package. I applied 
> that patch with little trouble, and am now to the instructions in the email 
> below.

I'm still fielding good reasons to include that patch in the main package. :-)
There're concerns about package-list-bloat, and I've yet to come up with a
convincing argument that overrides that.

> When I run the command:
> dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot
> I get a list of missing build dependencies like I am supposed to. 
> Here is the list I get:
> dpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libltdl3-dev, libpam0g-dev, 
> postgresql-dev, libgdbm-dev | libgdbmg1-dev, libldap2-dev, libsasl2-dev, 
> libiodbc2-dev, libkrb5-dev
> I do not plan to use kerberos, ldap,nor postgres and I'm not so sure that I 
> need libgdmg1 either. I use mysql for everything except the dictionaries. 
> My question is: how can I remove some of the build dependencies for packages 
> that I do not intent to use?

libpam0g-dev is used by rlm_pam

libgbmg1 is used by rlm_counter, rlm_gdbm and rlm_ippool

postgresql-dev is for rlm_sql_postgresql

libldap2-dev and libsasl2-dev are for rlm_ldap

libiodbc2-dev is for rlm_sql_iodbc

libkrb5-dev is for rlm_krb5

None of these build-dependancies are for the core daemon.

The way I'd do it is remove those modules from the 'stable' file in 
src/modules or src/modules/rlm_sql/ depending on which modules they are.
This step is basically optional, since it should skip that which it can't

Then remove the entries for those things from debian/rules in the various
'for each' clauses. And remove the entries from the debian/control file.
(ie. the opposite of the freeradius-iodbc patch you've already got. :-)

Then remove the build-dependancies that trouble you so.

You'll need that libltdl3-dev, however. No way around it except building
statically, and I dunno what that does to the build-dependancies, or the
rlm_sql and rlm_eap modules.

Paul "TBBle" Hampson
Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

On a sidewalk near Portland State
University someone wrote `Trust Jesus', and
someone else wrote `But Cut the Cards'.
Random signature generator 3.0 by Paul "TBBle" Hampson

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