Alan DeKok wrote:
Greg G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Ah, yes.  The "you've got to do what I want NOW for FREE!" response.

   No, it's the "Hey, asshole, maybe you know the code better than I do" 

  I *do* know the code better than you, and I disagree with your
position.  All else aside, that should tell you something.

   It does, but not what you'd hoped.  It looks like I'm going to wind up using GNU Radius, because it *doesn't* exit when it encounters something it doesn't understand in the user file.  It discards the entry for the invalid user.  It doesn't seg fault if I make an acct request.  And I don't have to fight with someone whose idea of gathering up new coders is "Fix it" without any help or guidance whatsoever.

The main README file is ever so
applicable to this situation.  Go read it, and stop wasting your time
posting baseless complaints on the list.
   So my asking for a feature is a baseless complaint?  Riiiight.

-Greg G

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