On Tue, Dec 30, 2003 at 05:49:42PM -0600, Chris Parker wrote:
> At 05:11 PM 12/30/2003, Mike Horwath wrote:
> >On Mon, Dec 29, 2003 at 11:05:51AM -0600, Chris Parker wrote:
> >> Tell me what your experiences are.  Hint, one will run, one won't.
> >> Which, is left as an exercise for the reader.
> >
> >Wow, great answer.
> And *have* you tried it?  Or do you just offer conjectures with no
> practical experience regarding running FreeRADIUS on OSX?  How much
> time have you spent poking and tweaking FR to get it to run on OSX?
> So far, your answer has been "other stuff runs on OSX, so it must
> be something else".

And now you are making conjecture.

I made no conjecture.

I have not had a need to run FR under OS X yet.  I never stated nor
implied I did.  I stated a counter point to your statement of:

        Dynamic linking on OS X is problematic.

You didn't like my comment in return and stated:

        Are you trolling or are you trying to postulate that dynamic
        linking on 10.3 is just fine?

And I responded:

        I ask that question because I have been doing development
        using different software under OS X now for over a year
        without a single problem I could attribute to dynamic linking
        and shared libraries.

You made the blanket statement...

> >And you called me a troll?
> Yep.  I did.


> >Thanks, I'll just go back to lurking since it is obvious you don't
> >want to answer the question with any details.
> They've been hashed over many times in the list archives.

I did some research (7400 messages in my archive) and I have seen the
questions and comments.

What's your point?  You are still wrong on your blanket statement.

You stated:

        Dynamic linking on OS X is problematic.

I countered your statement because I think you are full of shit.  And
your retort so far has been childish at best.

Now, your issue (and others) with FR and dynamic loading of modules is
another issue, instead of your blanket statement.

> >And please, do not go looking at the problem with the dynamic linking
> >issues either, that would be difficult I bet.
> See the answer posted by another user RE the type of shared libs used
> by Apple in OSX.  That has the detail you are looking for.

You mean the info that was posted by someone else who *was trying to
be helpful* unlike you?

Don't mind my sarcasm...

> >And libtool?  Ack.  But whatever.
> Got a better solution?  Please share.

Sure, drop the Linuxisms...  Building shared libraries isn't hard to
do, why do people need a 'tool' to do it?

I wonder where I would have been back in 1993 with SunOS with libtool!
I bet I could have ruled the universe!

Oh wait...

> >Back to lurking (after I am done with this thread).
> Okay, bye.  If you have patches to contribute, or meaningful
> suggestions on how to handle the dynamic loading problems on OSX,
> please continue to post.  If not, *plonk*.

As I said, I have never had any problems with dynamic linking issues.

Oh, and great response, with the *plonk*, that is so eighth grade.

I look forward to another childish response from you, and the end of
this thread.

Mike Horwath           IRC: Drechsau         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home: 763-540-6815  1901 Sumter Ave N, Golden Valley, MN  55427
Opinions stated in this message, or any message posted by myself
through my Geeks.ORG address, are mine and mine alone, period.

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