Doug Hardie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to setup a users file using prefix and suffix and can't 
> seem to get it to recognize them.

  Because the Prefix & Suffix attributes are generally intended for
use in the "hints" file, not the "users" file.

> I have made the hints file completely empty.  Prefix and Suffix only
> appear in the users file.

  Ok, so you took an example configuration of the server which worked,
and changed it... why?

  Why are you expecting that entries in the "users" file behave the same
as entries in the "hints" file?

> I have tried commenting out anything dealing with prefix or suffix
> in the radiusd.conf file which didn't seem to change anything.

  I don't see why you would think that would make any difference.  Any
references in "radiusd.conf" to "prefix" or "suffix" have
DOCUMENTATION in the comments, which describe what they're for.  If
you're commenting out things randomly without reading the
documentation, of course you're confused.

  Stop trying to break the server.  It comes with a working

  Alan DeKok.

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