I'm a complete radius newbie and I can't manage to get this to work.
Running v0.9.3 on Fedora Core 1. I'm using Unix authentication (system
uses NIS) and I'm attempting to access this from an Aventail EX1500.

Users authenticate fine, but I am not getting any group information back
to the Aventail. tcpdump confirms no info being passed. The group info
is primarily in NIS, but I have even tried putting some in the local
/etc/group for testing without success.

I do not totally (obviously) grasp the intricacies of the radiusd.conf
file, multiple authentication schemes, etc. but here are the things I
did that I thought would make it work:

I uncommented and/or changed the following in radiusd.conf:
passwd etc_group {
                filename = /etc/group
        format = "=Group-Name:::*,User-Name"
                hashsize = 50
                ignorenislike = no
                allowmultiplekeys = yes
                delimiter = ":"

Do I need to add something else somewhere? HELP!

National Engineering Technology

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