John Duino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The NAS understands the "Attribute value pairs" information, in this
> case either Class(25) or FilterId(11) labeling, with the returned value
> being the group name(s). See discussion below.

  It would have helped if you said this at the start.  Talking about
"why your solution doesn't do what you expect" is often a waste of

  Instead, talk about what you want to do.  In this case, it's:

  - send a Class or Filter-Id attribute to the NAS, with the content
being the names of the Unix groups to which the user belongs.

> Why does it not have to do with radiusd.conf?

  The issue is that your problem was poorly defined.  No amount of
editing "radiusd.conf" will cause your problem to become well-defined.

> The section I posted
> previously labeled "passwd etc_group", and is directly FROM the default
> radiusd.conf, is described as doing exactly what I expect/hope.

  No, it's not.  It adds a "Group-Name" attribute, not a Class or

  If you edit it to add "Class", or "Filter-Id", it will be a little

>  The radius server, upon positive authentication, should also then
> parse the group directory (/etc/group, in this case, including its
> NIS extension)

  The "passwd" module doesn't read directories.  It reads files.  It's
documented as reading files.  It's not documented as interacting with

  So the "passwed" module won't read "directories", with "NIS
extensions".  You've got to point it to each and every "group" file
you want it to read.  To do this, you probably need multiple instances
of the module, one for each file you want it to read.

> and return in the Authenticator additional information labeled as
> "Attribute value pairs" that would, in this case, be the groups the user
> belongs to.

  If you return them in the correct attributes.

  Alan DeKok.

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