Thx milver, najs reply
Here is my plan for the radius setup.
I have a server running Clark Connect, for broadband gateway, firewall, bandwith limiter, snort etc... To this server I have connected a zyxel zyair B-2000 Wireless accespoint to distribute wireless broadband to the users on the network. Also on the server I want to install freeradius to authenticate users on the wireless network, ( as Freeradius is the only one that supports 802.1x). I have no user database installed on the server, but isnt. freeradius cabaple of storing user in its own database. ??
Any ideas on further considerations I'd have to make ??
This is a final exampaper, so i hope u guys bear over with me for some of the silly questions....
Best regards
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 4:52 PM
Subject: Re: Help adding users

>> Is there a guide somewhere on how to add users on FreeRADIUS ??
free radius has files too under /doc
>>>Im new to linux, and radius, and need a complete HOWTO on how to add users.
there are lots of info on linux newbies ...
adduser? you can open a text file and type add the names of the users you want to add,
you can add users with inside fridge as well. :)
you never mentioned on what back-end database or flat files?
>>Sorry for the basic question in this forum, but im kind of stuck !
you know you had some basics, the initiative is with you to make it advanced, more to google and more to read from the list.
the list has been helpful to many for a quite period of time, including me.
>>Because so far i discovered its not only in the etc/raddb/users that one would have to add info regarding users, but in several other libs.
libs? who told you that? i am not aware of that and have not read it here on the list since then.
Hope someone can help this student finishing his final paper on userauthentication
you can help your self a lot by reading more of the list and make your feet wet with freeradius

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