Hi Jacob,

Short answer - YES....

Longer answer - Yes - you can setup the Freeradius system to use just the
file to handle the user login validation.  Of course if you are validating
more than
say 100 - 200 users it can get to be a little bit "fun" to keep  the file up
to date
with current users.

You can write a script (pick scripting language of choice) to add, delete or
user login info in the "users" file ....

I would suggest, however, to look into a database backend (posgress or
mysql - depends
on what you need to do - posgress has triggers and procedures whereas mysql
is just now
getting triggers).  A database backend will allow you much more flexability
in how you
can maintain the user base, allow account usage tracking and other
capabilities where
using a flat-file system will require you to parse through log files to
glean the same info.

I guess it all depends on what your application is [grin]...

As for a "graphical user interface" for freeradius - nothing serious out
there yet [wink].


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jacob Clausen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Help adding users

> Thx again Milver for your response :)
> A short explanation is now in order. Its NOT that i dont like getting my
> feed wet, playing with freeradius, its only that I have played around,
> installed and configured  Cistron Radius for the last week, only to find
> that Cistron DOESNT support 802.1x !. My biggest pain with Cistron came
> adding users....until i found a webmin module, that allowed me to add
> in a "make sense Web based enviroment". But since there is no webbased
> grafical interface for setting up the freeradius, I only took the liberty
> asking the questions in this list, just to make sure i found the right
> Radius software this time, and since im new to linux, I KNOW i will have
> trouble adding users in a pure hardcore linux environment.
> And for your question. Yes im referering to the user files. My goal is to
> implement a very basic freeradius solution, where users have to
> them selves when logging on to the internet. My idea was that I could add
> users, there info (name, ID, and password only), in the user dir only, and
> therefor NOT add a database of any sort. Is this possible, and will the
> authetification work this way, or do I have to implement a database like
> MYSQL etc. ?
> Best Regards
> Jacob
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: Milver S. Nisay
> Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 5:48 PM
> Subject: Re: Help adding users
> >I have a server running Clark Connect, for broadband gateway, firewall,
> bandwith limiter, snort etc... To this server I have connected a zyxel
> B-2000 Wireless >accespoint to distribute wireless broadband to the users
> the network. Also on the server I want to install freeradius to
> users on the wireless network, >> ( as Freeradius is the only one that
> supports 802.1x). I have no user database installed on the server, but
> freeradius cabaple of storing user in its own >database. ??
> as far as i know, freeradius does not have its own "database" . that is
> we have PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc .
> are you referring to a file structure where freeradius reads user details
> like flat files or user files?
> as i have advised you, make your feet wet with freeradius, try installing
> freeradius first and let the question comes in one by one.
> as you are showing by the question you throw to the list, you are not yet
> trying EVEN to INSTALL freeradius and read the docs that comes with it.
> dont believe others if they told you that freeradius is good UNTIL you
> proved it to yourself that it is really flexible and good.
> you knowledge won't grow with freeradius if you don't try to install it,
> play with it and have fun with it!
> here is one general link you can review, this is also in the freeradius
> list.
> http://www.frontios.com/freeradius.html
> if time is critical, and there are some people who offer commercial
> and can do it for you, that is if you
> cant do it by google and the list...you may contact me off the list and i
> can refer a few :) *wink*
> good luck!
> //milver
> -
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