(Moderators: sorry I first sent this email with the wrong email address)

Hi list,

I'm curious about the possibility to use PGP keys to authenticate users
via a challenge. I'm using an LDAP database to store my users
information, and this is working great with a simple login/password
scheme for the moment. However, I would really like to be able to
authenticate them using a random string which would be encrypted using
their public key, and they would just have to decipher it and they send
back the string. I'm barely understanding if EAP could help on that (all
documentation I find is evasive about EAP when not related to 802.1x)...

Could any of you tell me if this would be possible with FreeRADIUS as it
is now ? Would I have to modify its code ? Would EAP really help ?

Thanks in advance for your answers, and please excuse my question if it
is stupid, I'm totally new to RADIUS (I read Jonathan Hassel book, but
it doesn't help on that particular subject).

Alain Perry

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