On Mon, 2 Aug 2004 at 15:45 (+0200), jesk wrote:

j> i didnt found anything out for case insensitive password mode, in cause
j> of that i changed all passwords to lower case and activated
j> 'lower_pass=before' in radiusd.conf, but now i got a new problem with
j> that configuration, the CHAP-Password Authentication doesnt work
j> anymore.

As I recall, when using CHAP the password isn't sent to the RADIUS
server. The NAS sends a hash (been a while, maybe the wrong name). The
server takes the plain text password it has and "hashes" it and
compares the two hashes. Since RADIUS doesn't have the password it
cannot force it to lower case. The only way to make the two "hashes"
match is to have the passwords match -- case included.


Michael J. Hartwick, VE3SLQ                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hartwick Communications Consulting                      (519) 396-7719
Kincardine, ON, CA                             http://www.hartwick.com

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