Hello folks,
I've been trying to setup FreeRadius in order to authenticate my wireless users against my Novell eDirectory via the built in LDAP server.  Here is what is happening in my current situation:
I connect wirelessly to AP.  Enter authentication information into Windows XP (SP2, if that matters) and click OK.
On the Radius screen, I see that the request is sent to the LDAP server.  The EAP module of FreeRadius responds OK over and over and over again infinitely until I either kill my wireless connection or the server thread.  I'm never given an IP address via WPA after authentication.  I don't think something is working correctly.  I can radping the server and get a auth accept message back, but nothing from the AP.
I have read that most access points need PEAP, as does Windows XP.  So I look in my radiusd.conf file and have found NO REFERENCE in it to PEAP.  However, I found an eap.conf file in the same directory which does make reference to PEAP. I have typed in an $INCLUDE line in the radiusd.conf to point to this and commented out all other eap references in the EAP section of radiusd.conf.
I have only uncommented PEAP and MSCHAPV2 in my EAP.CONF file.  When I go to start radius via radiusd -X I get the following error:
eap: default_eap_type = "peap"
eap:  timer_expire = 60
rlm_eap: Invalid type name peap cannot be linked
radiusd.conf[9]: eap: Module instantiation failed.
Did something not compile correctly?  I reran the install sequence and did not see any errors regarding anything other than the configuration files (which would already be present).  Is there a file somewhere where I need to manually link the peap module?  I have even configured and installed the module separately with no errors by going to the src/modules/rlm_eap/types/rlm_eap_peap folder and have had no luck.
I'm not a linux guru, so this may perhaps be my fault.   I do, however, need to get this working in fairly short order for a project we have coming up in the next month.
Thanks for any assistance you can provide.  I have already sent the eap.conf file (sorry...first two messages refused).  I can send my radiusd.conf under separate cover if necessary.

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