"Yyc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think it might caused by criston radius server which attached in SuSE.
> you can check Linux service port under /etc.
> 1812 1813 1814 is for freeradius

As I said, I am using Version 1.0.1 of freeradius, compiled with options
./configure --localstatedir=/var --sysconfdir=/etc

Do you say if I don't use this options for compiling the thing, radacct wil
look at port 1813?
I already tried editing /etc/services without success.

OK, I configured with ./configure, make, make install and radacct
still is trying to connect on port 1646.
Edited /etc/services again with port radius-acct 1646/tcp 1646/udp
with no luck.

sigh... :(

Any way to tell radacct to look for port 1813 or should I start radiusd
with the old ports? But how?

   Andreas Meyer
"We only do well the things we like doing." - Colette

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