
I only plan on using it for cortical surface models...  So do you
think it is ok to erode away, use the super-restore images, and save a
fair amount of time?

Any additional check to make sure I am not "over-correcting" or is
that not as much of an issue if you are just shooting for cortical
surface modeling? Could I shoot you over a volume or two to look at?

Thanks much,

> Hi Jamie,
> it's hard to tell from the pics. The superrestore might be erodeing the
> borders of the thalmus and the pallidum. Can you flip back and forth
> between the uncorrected and corrected to see if that is the case. Also,
> check the gray/white junction in primary motor cortex. Basically you want
> as much correction as you can get as long as it doesn't cause these borders
> to shift position. Note that our T1.mgz *does* erode the pallidum and
> thalamus borders intentionlly, as we only use it for cortical surface
> models.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jamie Hanson
> wrote:
> > Hello Freesurfers-
> >
> > I wondered what the word was on preprocessing before you get into the
> > land of freesurfer and recon-all.
> >
> > I have some Inversion Recovery-T1s, where bias / field inhomogeneity
> > is a slight issue. The standard N3ing that is done autorecon1 really
> > wasn't cutting it (it was fine, but it required additional time in the
> > back end, e.g., correcting skull-strips, adding control points).  And
> > for all non-freesurfing, I have been using either: 1) a combo of N3
> > and MFAST (b/c we have T2 where the same bias isn't present) or 2) a
> > tweaked MFAST routine.
> >
> > I however didn't want to "over-correct" my data, so I wanted to get
> > some feedback before I go down either rabbit-hole. Anyone have some
> > feedback / past experiences?
> >
> > Pics from both routines are at:
> >
> >
> > Prefix of n3mfast- Combo of N3 and MFAST
> > Prefix of superrestore- Tweaked MFAST routine
> >
> > The superrestores looked cleaner, but I was worried it might be "too
> > much" preprocessing.
> >
> > Thoughts? Thanks much,
> > jamie.
> >
> >
> >
> >

Jamie L. Hanson
Waisman Laboratory for Brain Imaging & Behavior | Child Emotion Research Lab
University of Wisconsin - Madison
1500 Highland Avenue
Madison, WI 53706
Phone: (608) 262-5148
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