I have the new version. I still think I need an intermediate step to make it work though. I need to specify something for --regmethod (either volume or surface). I have a volume+coordinates and I'm going to a surface, so I'm not sure which to specify. I tried both and the 'volume' needed a talairach.xfm and the 'surface' needed a sphere.reg.

I see why I need the intermediate step, but I'm not sure where to find it.


On May 28, 2008, at 11:39 AM, Doug Greve wrote:

you can create a label with the coordinates, the use mri_label2label with the --paint option to sample them to the closest surface vertex. Two caveates:

1. You may need a new version of mri_label2label (I can get it to you if so)
2. You have to use the proper coordinates


Ben Kennedy wrote:

Dear Freesurfer,

I've been playing around with Freesurfer and monkey MR volumes, and I'm trying to find some sort of foothold to use Freesurfer more effectively. I have the surfaces and inflated volumes of the brain, and I also have a bunch of sub-voxel coordinates (in the T1 volume) of recorded sites that I want to project onto these surfaces and inflations. Is there any straightforward (but I'll take convoluted also) way to do this?

Ben K
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422

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