Hi, for those interested: we have correlated FS's ICV estimates and
estimates from a procedure developed by Anders Dale (a deformable template
procedure, similar to the “Shrink Wrapping” procedure previously described
by Dale and colleagues (Dale et al, 1999; Dale and Sereno, 1993)).

Mean ICV from FS:   1567690 (SD = 161247)
Mean ICV from Dale: 1584008 (SD = 136979)

The difference was not significant (p = .12, t = -1.596)

The correlation was .84. A scatterplot is attached (FS on the y-axis,
Dale's method on the x).

Not too bad, but not perfect either.

The sample was a life-span sample (20-90 years, n = 74).

Hope this info was usefull.

Anders MF

> Hi Paul,
> Just as an aside, once you have a talairach_with_skull.lta file (whether
> from v3 or v4), you can calculate eTIV as scale_factor/determinant(lta),
> where the scale_factor employed is 2150.
> Incidentally, using the -eTIV option of mri_label_volume, you can also
> specify other transforms (e.g., talairach.xfm, talairach.lta) to be used
> used instead of the default talairach_with_skull.lta in computing "ICV".
> I've looked at the effect of using different transforms in a handful of
> brains, and "ICV" can vary a bit depending on transform you choose to
> use.
> I'm curious: Has anyone out there compared FS's ICV estimate to ICV
> estimated by another program?
> Best,
> Mike H.
> On Fri, 2008-06-20 at 14:35 -0700, Paul Greenberg wrote:
>> Hello Freesurfers,
>> I am interested in comparing eTIV calculated with version 3.0.5 to
>> that calculated by version 4.0.5 (64 bit Cent OS).
>> In order to compare eTIV for a single brain estimated in version 3.0.5
>> to version 4.0.5, I copied a subject's previous freesurfer output
>> (v3.0.5) into the freesurfer version 4.0.5 folder, deleted all the
>> files within the "transforms" folder and carried out the following
>> procedures as outlined in the recon-all dev table:
>> 1)  Run the talairach procedure.  Command =  talairach_avi --i
>> mysubject --xfm talairach.auto.xfm
>> 2)  cp talairach.auto.xfm talairach.xfm
>> 3)  Run automatic failure detection.  Command=  talairach_afd -T 0.005
>> -xfm talairach.xfm
>> 4)  Create talairach_with_skull.lta.  Command =
>>         mri_em_register -skull nu.mgz
>> $freesurferhome/average/RB_all_withskull_2007-08-08.gca
>> talairach_with_skull.lta
>> 5)  Check the new eTIV.  Command =
>>         mri_label_volume -eTIV talairach_with_skull.lta aseg.mgz 17 53
>>         As the aseg.mgz file exists from previous processing (versio
>> 3.0.5), and the talairach_with_skull.lta was re-created with the new
>> processing (version 4.0.5), the output of this command should list the
>> eTIV based on the new talairach transform?
>> Are these procedures correct for generating new values of eTIV if that
>> is all i want?
>> Thanks!
>> --
>> Paul Greenberg, Ph.D.
>> Radiology Department, University of California, San Diego
>> VA San Diego Healthcare System (116A-13)
>> 3350 La Jolla Village Drive
>> San Diego, CA  92161
>> Phone: (858) 552-8585 ext. 2903
>> Fax:  (858) 642-3836
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