Hi Hong,

we've just rewritten the longitudinal stream to be significantly more accurate. Unfortunately (for us) Nick is on vacation at the moment so you're question will have to wait a few days for an answer. Repost next week if you haven't heard before then.
On Thu, 28 Aug 2008, Xie, Hong wrote:

Hello, group,

   I am running longitudinal process step by step following the wiki page of 12 
differences between longitudinal and recon-all process. But some needed files 
are not generated by these 12 steps, for example, brain.mgz, wm.seg.mgz, 
wm.asegedit.mgz, aseg.auto_noCCseg.mgz, wm.mgz, fill.mgz, 
brain.finalsurfers.mgz, ?h.smoothwm, ?h.inflated, ?h.sulc, and ?h.aparc.annot.

   Should I use recon-all commands to create these files or just copy ( or 
transform) them from tp1 to tp2?

   Thank you for help.


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